Monday, February 13, 2012

An Evasive Box

    Following, is a cry-out about one of the most serious ‘boxes’ you and me could ever be thrown into – it is a BOX designed to separate us from God. Now... we know that nothing can achieve this if we do not want it to, however, part of ‘their’ effort can succeed. Our freedom to function ‘outside’ the box can be taken away. I enjoy the freedom to POST my thoughts without consequence, but once thrown in ‘their’ box, I will be limited, as will you. The rest of my story – is yours also... read and watch to see what I mean...   

    I have struggled with whether or not to speak openly, but viewing the two video's that I am recommending have shown me that I must. If you love God and/or your country, please read this and consider reposting. Thank you.

   I share this morning with a heavy heart. My eyes are open. I see an Agenda to take the great nation of America down. The enemy has done a mighty job of creating a 'dulled frame of mind' in Americans from the media to our classrooms and more... They are 'dumbing' down our children and seducing us yet, we still think 'all is well' and we think that if we ignore most of it, it will go away. Well it hasn't gone away! We've ignored the facts for years and they have prevailed stronger.

   "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 This knowledge is 'Knowledge of Him/God' - not book knowledge.

   Our nation is being hijacked from within. If anyone cares to know the details, the trail of evidence is being offered to us by different voices speaking out. However, our ignorance is that we think America can not be taken down. No? Take a good look at how morality has fallen and problems has risen with the mention of God. Balak paid Balaam to prophecy a curse over God's nation... long story short, Balaam was intrigued with the money offer so he finally said, "Influence the people to commit sex sins and they will be cursed." (paraphrased) Look a us! Do we want America to be blessed? See this: Revelation 2:14.

   I do not buy into the lie that says 'no politics' with religion/Christianity. I AGREE that there can be an ABUSE of this, but presented correctly is our right and duty. Two reasons I believe what I say is: God CREATED politics. It was not called that and His politics was not corrupt. He told His people how to GOVERN their nation and their affairs. You can find it in the Bible. And, our founding fathers came to America to have a government that allowed them freedom of religion. Our US Constitution is full of scripture based concepts. Washington DC is filled with scripture inscriptions on monuments and in buildings. Their museum also has 'the' or one of the first printed Bibles. There is no doubt of the early settlers faith in God when you seek to learn about it. These things are not told in new documentation. Someone is trying to take away our roots by rewriting history. 

   A fact is this: 2 Chronicles 7:14. We are at the crossroad of waking up out of a slumber to hear God for insight and direction or go down a path we do not wish to go. Ask yourself 'How' God can continue to bless such a godless society as we have become.

  He NEEDS to hear from His own people that we are NOT asleep and that we CARE about what He cares about! 

  God promised that He wouldn't bring calamity without first telling His faithful ones. Friends... the WORD is out. Faithful ones who are hearing from God are speaking out. The problem is that most people refuse to listen. They do not want to hear. They have been brainwashed effectively into believing the someone speaking out the truth is a 'Radical' to be ignored. Go ahead... Read Jeremiah. Get the movie 'Jeremiah'. He warned, but 'the rulers thought they knew better'. They found out. Jeremiah was protected however.

  I would rather stand with God. It means being 'sober minded'. I'm fine with this.

  Here are two resources I challenge you to watch if you want America to be strong again, (Keeping in mind, PRAYER is on top of the list): The first is a documentary called "AGENDA" Very informative! Link:  Some of us never saw this coming! Here is an extended trailer link:

  The second is a video link, also very informative:     

  The second is not talking about every Arab person you might know - only those who are in on the scheme. So let's be careful NOT to JUDGE persons. I am only judging what is presented as facts. We need to know WHY certain things are happening; Both of these videos explain a whole lot.

  Keeping the ‘box’ in it’s place, not enclosing me... May peace and freedom be ours as we follow God with our whole heart.
                                                                                  © 2012 | LifeLite ®

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"It is BETTER to be on the outside of a box looking in
than to be on the INSIDE, looking out."

I wrote the following true story to post on my husbands PIANO business website blog; (I posed as him). You might say I was a 'ghost writer'.

Jeremy, the feline 'CAT' Musician.

I wasn't fond of cats when I met and married my wife. Something she needed to learn was - no cats! She didn't learn, rather, I was the one who learned and became fond of our little feline children when I realized they are smart and have interesting personalities, to say the least. I learned they are interesting creatures and I sometimes wish I could probe into their little minds when they give those cat eyes as if to say, "Oh yeah, says who?" just so you know who's really boss. Of course, I really am the boss - when my wife and the cat decide so! Don't tell them, but when I decide so!

The life span of a cat is much less than of people, so as you can imagine, I have now been the ... well, I guess I'll say it - proud dad of a few felines through the 32 years of marriage to my wife, who always had cats when she was growing up, so she is very fond of them. Let it be clear, however, I do have my two dogs who take me for a morning stroll up my long driveway each day, bright and early. The cat isn't much into that, although my wife pulled a fast one on me and took our cat to the beach with us recently to my family reunion! She actually wore a leash (the cat, not my wife) and walked around!

Jeremy was a big member of our family for a few years. He had been de-clawed and it was planned for him to be an indoor cat, but he had other ideas - he loved the outdoors. He could climb a tree as good as any cat!

One night I was doing one of my favorite things, playing the piano, only I was playing a keyboard because it had a built in recorder and I was recording a song.

We had noticed that Jeremy had an interest in piano and had seen him slip up on the piano bench and paw around on the keys. We knew he had potential because he wasn't like other cats who tried to be like Jerry Lee, with their feet, walking up and down on the keys - no, Jeremy was more into classical and jazz, this was a given, seeing his approach. He stayed firm on the piano bench with his hind feet and raised up holding his front paws in proper position moving smoothly across the piano keys. Whenever I left a music book up, Jeremy tried to read the music. You can see this by observing him in his picture.

I was well into my recording this particular night, all was going good, no mistakes, it would be a take! Then into the room walks Jeremy. He made his way across the floor and before I could give any thought, He jumped up, almost like a basket ball player leaping in the air, and throwing out his paw he slapped down on a couple of keys, playing them one after the other, not together - just in the proper beat and right at the perfect timing playing his part in sync with me! It was a take! I could no longer claim full credit for the song - now Jeremy had to be included on the label with me as co-recording artist!

The news got out... as told by my wife... and the story hit the local newspaper ... Jeremy made the front page of the PETS section, of course - he was an overnight SENSATION!

This was the only recording Jeremy made, after his big thrill, he retired to more 'catly' things, like hunting and climbing trees. He'd had his one big recording success and apparently that was all he needed. Every now and then we'd see him climb back on the piano bench and dabble around, but he must have decided he'd leave the serious playing to me because he didn't pursue music much farther. But then, that's what I'd expect of a CAT! We still loved him all the same even though he decided to be less ambitious - he was, after all, a feline, though he thought he was human. Sometimes, to us, he was, I'd say.

    I am back again... as Ellen...
   The moral of the story as relates to my theme is... "NEVER put your cat, (or dog), (or gorilla) in a BOX. There's more to him than you think and he'll SHOW you."

    CONSIDER THIS: The feline knows better than most people, how to get out of a BOX and how to be exactly what God created him to be! Sure, he may deviate a little as do we... but in the end he's going to act like a cat - because that is what he is!

   Can we take a lesson? Can we act like a CHILD of God? If so - Get out of the '___' Box, (You fill in the blank). God does not want you there. Let your light shine.   

                                                                                            © 2012 | LifeLite ®

Monday, September 5, 2011


The Bible tells us that some people love darkness more than light. Adam and Eve knew only light. They enjoyed God's presence daily. He is light. They let curiosity get the best of them and they thought they would enjoy darkness, only like most people, they did not think they were choosing to live in the night when they chose to disobey God. They did not understand that by choosing to obey their fleshly lust, they were choosing darkness. They had no reference point, unlike us, they had never seen the aftermath of darkness, the misery and utter humiliation. They did not yet know evil, which is the darkness God refers to as the night under the earths sun and moon. He calls 'good',  'light'. The light is, righteousness, holiness, and purity, as is God. It is evident that some people “love darkness rather than light…”.

The unholy boldness that has sprung out of much of the entertainment industry has spun many to follow uninhibited postings to the Internet and other public forums. People are fearless to openly voice curses against God and mockery in the face of His creation. The fear of God has almost vanished even among those who call themselves Christian. People are confused about the long suffering and patience of God, thinking that just because He doesn't strike them dead, He does not have power or does not exist. This thinking is simply ignorance about Who God is. It is ignorance about what He is actually accomplishing in the earth with His human creation. Do not be one of the deceived; God will not be mocked, He gets the last say, He is the last Act on earth. The final 'Act' of God will be viewed by every person dead and alive! Now that is a show-stopper. His final scene will reveal that every other show on earth was utterly vain, which did not bear witness of Him and His great Love to all.   

A news video showed people commuting without their pants. Entertaining? The video caption announces that in major cities across the country, hundreds of people took part in a ‘No Pants Subway Ride”. Men, pant-less, women, slackness. Everyone had their underwear exposed – in a public venue. Little children saw. What message did it speak? In their innocence, they knew something was confused, but most of them could not sort it out to make rational sense. When interviewed, one of the participants answered the question, “Why are we doing this?  Just because we can.  I don’t think its illegal in Portland”.  The stunt was started by a comedy group in 2002 and was into it's ninth year of the ritual. Evil? Yes. It is not harmless to ignore God's modest dress code. Innocence is what Adam and Eve forfeited in the Garden of Eden when they chose to 'be more enlightened'.  That peek into the dark side landed them a bum deal!  We are the recipients of their dark choice. We still suffer more deeply because of their choice than most people give honest thought to.  I thank God for Jesus.  He is our Helper.  He is our way out of a corrupt and sad existence.  Through Christ Jesus, we have HOPE.  You and I can live a life filled with Joy and have peace that surpasses mortal understanding no matter what choice Adam and Eve made.  I have been redeemed back to God to enjoy His awesome Light. Have you? No, I am not living in the Garden of Paradise, but much BETTER awaits me... heaven and good surprises which I can not even imagine without the revelation of Christ. He has given me very small glimpses. We will not be disappointed!

Adam and Eve threw us into a box. We were born under a curse because of their disobedience to God. We can escape. Jesus Christ holds out his hand and says, "Let me pull you out." You and I are no longer trapped in the box filled with darkness. Liberty and true freedom await everyone who will make the choice to believe in Jesus Christ. He alone came to deliver us from the darkness. Walking in the light of God is as simple as allowing Jesus to pull you from the dark box.  I'm stepping out again!  Are you? It is a daily choice to take Jesus' hand and step out... over and again. Each new day offers freedom to everyone who receives God's Son, Jesus. He arose from the grave to lead us out of captivity, which I call, 'the BOX' that closes us in. Do not hide. Rise out of your box and SHINE.

Copyright 2011, LifeLite (R

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dare I Doubt?

Dare I Doubt?

Dare I doubt God?
(I feel poetic…)
“Dare I doubt?
For when I doubt, I surely pout.
And when I pout, I’m in a box –
and can't get out.

Woe is me then… oh tell me my sin!
My sin, as usual, has closed me in.

"Why" dare I doubt when God is so good?
He forever behaves – just as He should.
It is I who is wrong.
This, God has known.

Nonetheless, He loves me still - and
To help me get right, He shows me His will.

I have no reason - to ever complain,
When the God of all, knows me by name.

He keeps me in - His loving care
He protects me always…
So WHY do I dare...?

Doubtless, with God’s help
I will not doubt... so here I come,
I’m stepping out.

Cut the ropes that bind this senseless bin,
Get me out of the box
No more stepping in!

Dare I doubt? Dare you doubt too?
Let us walk in faith and to God be true.

Here I come world – get out of my way…
Or decide to come along
To the place we should stay…

Yes, In God’s presence
Where ‘doubt’ has no power…
And ‘faith in God’ – Rules every single hour!”

Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R 

My special ‘Thanks’ to Patrina – Pencil in the Hand of God – who
lovingly sent me a note to appear again.
And a BIG thanks to Alice - From the Heart - who showed me
the way of the blog (which I so much enjoy), and who always
has kind words of encouragement!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

No More Pretender

When I was seventeen I made a business trip from Biloxi to Jackson MS to handle a legal matter. Although I was a teenager, I had been forced to grow up fast due to hard circumstances. My body was adult but my mind was lagging behind. I tried to be mature, but occasionally the child within surfaced seizing control of me, and I was ‘okay’ with this.

I stepped on the commercial bus that day and held the driver captive by refusing to sit down until I scanned all passengers trying to decide who I would grace with my presence for the next seventy-five miles. About three quarters up the aisle I found my prey. He was innocent looking with a quite harmless demeanor. After making my way back, I asked if he minded me filling the empty seat beside him. He was pleased to welcome me. This young college guy was on the brink of getting a ride of his lifetime.

The PRETENDER kicked in like I have rarely seen. Only a few times in my whole life had I seen her come out so strong and comfortably; she was full of herself that day – nothing would stop her for the next few hours, not even me.

I introduced myself to the young man, holding out my hand to shake his. Suddenly, I was Ms. Professional, Ms. Mature, Ms. Mysterious and Ms. Celebrity. He fell for it hook, line and sinker, apparent by his awestruck eyes and clumsy body language – he was in the presence of a ‘goddess’, for sure! It was a struggle to adjust in my presence until… I commanded him at ease.

Even though I was supposedly ALL THAT, I felt deeply for the poor guy, sensing his unease in my royal presence. I knew if I was to have any conversation with him, about romance, politics… anything – just name it, I was expert on everything – then I must now make him feel comfortable. I had done my job well to totally get his devoted attention and respect, now I only needed to bring him back to earth so I could enjoy conversing on my ‘real level’; the level of a seventeen year old pretending to be beyond her wisdom, skill and years.

I succeeded. He fell right into my charm as I lifted him off his knees back to the seat beside me. We had a wonderful talk the following couple of hours about everything in life it seemed. He was without doubt brainy, but not so much to distract from his romantic appeal.

Before the end of the ride, (I refer also to the ‘ride’ I gave him with all the bull), the poor guy was in love with me, drooling like a lost, loyal puppy – although, I was never attracted to him! He was no more to me than a perfect soul in which to toy while biding my time to save me from what would have otherwise been a really dull ride.

To this day I feel bad that I deceived that young man, but not too bad! I remember it with a smile. For all I know, he was an angel sent from God to entertain this poor soul in me. Though highly unlikely that was, I have wondered how long, far and wide the young guy searched for the right woman to fill my place… never finding her, because she does not exist, and never did!   

Yes, isn’t it a bit arrogant of me to think that the guy hopelessly loved me for years? Even so, I know what I saw in him and how I toyed with his emotions that day. I wish I could find him and confess… I’d love to hear his perspective on that incident!  Although, I believe I know something to be true… he matured one day and realized that I was all about pretense. I think he came to that understanding and saw the messed up hurting person that I was who was merely trying to tear out of a box I was hiding in. I wanted out desperately and he was a fleeting few moments of escape in this journey called life.         

I look back and see now as I stepped on the bus that day, sitting beside the young man, I was not aware that I was being hijacked by a stranger who pretended to be my redeemer. She liked meeting everyone before they had a chance to meet me. She like making them think that she was me. 

For many years, I allowed that stranger to convince everyone of this. But the real me was under lock and key to the impostor inside of me – the great PRETENDER. No, I did NOT go around pretending as intensely as I had that day, but my life was still ruled very much by the pretender. She owned me; she kept me inside and would not allow me to come out in actuality. She had power over me only because I had not yet learned that it was the other way around - I had power over her. Not knowing this kept me her prisoner. I did not know how to reflect the person that I was... so I let her pretend that she was me!

Most people choose to pretend (fake) their way in life thinking that as soon as they figure it out they will step into their real self. However, this rarely happens. The pretender convinces them that maturity is to project oneself the way you wish to be seen, not as you really are. God says to become who you really are in Him and then let yourself be transparent so that He is seen in you.

The real me began to surface as I determined to be the person God said that ‘I am’. Yes, even He said to Moses, “I AM that I AM.” meaning, “I AM who I AM”.  He was saying, “I AM GOD.” And He reflected confidence in who he is to Moses.

I am made in the image of God, therefore, I can be confident in ‘who’ I am too – after I strip away the pretense which hides the person I really am.

Some people are so comfortable with pretending that they have forgotten they ARE pretending. They have built their entire life around hopes and dreams destined for collapse because their foundation is entirely built of pretense.

If only people knew how to cut open the BOX and step out. Seize the imposter and throw him or her into that box; seal it and ship it to the foot of the cross of Jesus where every ‘thief’ is either redeemed with Jesus or sent away, never again to rob someone of their God-given identity!

Take your ‘real’ life back. The whole world is waiting for real people to emerge with healing in the earth and wholesome power.  Don’t sell out to the lies that ‘down’ you. You ARE somebody but you must want out of that cage before you will climb out.

I climbed partly out from time to time but then I leaped back in for fear and intimidation – only, I was afraid of my own self! Every time I got a glimpse of the real me arising, I ran back into the box and closed the flaps over me. I could not believe that I was a lovely, powerful person inside of myself. I was frightened of me!

I sit here feeling tears for everyone who is afraid to let their real person out of the box. They, like I was, are doubtful that their inner person is beautiful and worthy to step out and SHINE.

I tell you, the imposter – that pretender who rules most people, is only a dull color and an out-of-tune song compared to the real person God created in you.

Let her, or him be FREE. Set your real person loose. Be who you were designed to be with your own real personality. Allow your spirit to show beneath your robe of flesh. It is that real person who WINS in life; the pretender is a loser – WHY do you think s/he PRETENDS?     

It has taken me years to break out of that ugly BOX which once outwardly defined me. From it, the impostor projected, namely, the pretender. I write to you this day because I have stuffed my imposter in the box and shipped her away. She will always try to come back from time to time, but with every day that passes – I know she doesn’t stand much of a chance to hijack my life again! I am wise to her now and the truth is setting me free!

I’m out of the box, ya’ll… Don’t come at me with a leash.
                                                                  Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R                                                        

Monday, August 16, 2010

On the West Side

Isn't it funny how we get things ‘fixed’ in our mind and sometimes for no obvious reason? One such occurrence for me in my childhood and early adulthood was that I dreamed of frequenting California. Not Hollywood, neither Las Vegas – just California. Isn’t that a silly dream?

I do not recall any reason for this desire. I associate absolutely nothing with it, like, if I saw a movie and the west looked fascinating, but not so. I don’t know what this whim stemmed from.

Since I have no clue why I felt like “California or bust”, I have created a theory about myself. I lived in the south central part of the US. Not even the beaches of Galveston, TX and Biloxi, MS made me happy, although, I had my moments. 

The little town where precisely I grew up is a mere dot on the map known as Clute, Texas where the sandy beaches were thick, clean and almost white. To this day Surfside is still a great spot for a beach space. The vast ocean was breathtaking to view from the highest point of the tall bridge there. Like a steep roller coaster, the road went up, up and up. At the top you thought you would fall off – how I loved it! The ride down took my stomach but who noticed with the thrill of a panoramic big blue ocean? At the descent on the beach side of the bridge, the road gently kissed the sand. What great memories.

Atop the restless waves, I would ride in a big inner tube. Then nearing the shore, I'd leap forward onto the deep sand and begin my new collection of lovely seashells while returning back up-shore from where I started - all a highlight of my life. There was plenty of space to run along-side the ocean front. I also enjoyed walking to the end of the long piers and hearing the sound of the moderately tall waves smash against the rocks that kept the pier in its place as the ocean commanded utter respect. It was tranquil, yet, I was not always at peace. Inside was a storm and it was from deep within all the way to the surface of my being threatening to burst out!

No one knew by looking at me as I playfully rode the waves and ran the beach that I was not free within. My emotions were boxed up – sealed with invisible tape, tied with intangible string and stamped with a non-erasable, “Fragile” marking. I was ready to be shipped to California! For some reason, that was the place I had chosen to make my escape!

Now that I am all grown up, California is the last place I wish to live. To visit… well, that would be alright, but I don’t want to stay there. The wild and 'free' place I had conjured up in my mind, is not at all a representation of freedom as I currently understand freedom. The thin, long state along the far west coast where people ventured to ‘step out of the box’ became an icon for many dreamers to escape – if not in reality, then, with their imagination. There, a person could develop into ‘anyone’ they fantasized themselves to be without risking criticism from peers. They were not shunned, blackballed or ostracized for thinking differently and trying out their unique ideas. This is not true of California today.

I am certain that the former atmosphere of California is why I wanted so much to go there. It suited me as a different sort of person. Misplaced, among conformists, life got lonely at times. How I craved to be in a place where friendships would thrive of people ready to applaud me for stepping out of the old robotic routine of an otherwise daily humdrum existence. I would also applaud those who stepped out! In California – people dared to be free thinkers and free doers. What a place of heaven on earth! There, people did not succumb to the mandates and dictates of societal traditions governed by old rules of etiquette and superstitions. Never! Californians dared to be free. They walked, talked and laughed freely among a class of their own – individuals who thought much like themselves.

Now I know… what a stupid concept to have of any place on earth! Any town, state or country that does not follow a healthy restraint of whimsical behaviors and allow wholesome rules and regulations to keep in check what would otherwise be unrestrained, hurtful behaviors, is landmarked for disaster.

I look at America and at all her states - even to the whole world; I recognize that something has gone awry. I am convinced that we are confused about what healthy ‘escape’ is. Relaxation and mental revival does not consist of doing totally as one pleases without reservation. This only leads to situations where problems arise out of problems due to the complexities born out of careless choices. There are consequences to our actions. These were not invented by lawmakers, although they have made new laws, in fact, too many! Consequences are not invented by any authority other than God who established earthly authority to rule over the actions of humankind. Why did God set it up this way?

Should I be compelled to answer when anyone with a half a mind can look all around and answer for themselves? Attune your eyes and ears… the answer is no mystery; it screams out of every place on every sidewalk and in every building... even on every beach front.

I no longer feel the need for California or any other place to escape because 'escape' resides within me. How pleasant to look back at my childhood places with fond memories – even though, while I was there, the grass looked greener on the 'west' side. Yes, the waves seemed bigger, the surfers sexier and the sand looked a bit fluffier and whiter on the other side. Was I ever wrong!

I eventually found my escape from empty, futile aspirations... most of them lacking realizable substance and I refuse to step back into a ‘hollow’ box where hollow thinking rules. 

                                                                       Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are You Still Waiting for Respect?

When I was a young adult, due to circumstances out of my control, I had two children at a young age.  I seldom brushed shoulders with people who showed me respect - at least it seemed that way.

Looking back, I see it was partly my perception.  There were people who deeply respected me, yet I could not see it.  So, for years I existed, feeling that I was in a BOX which I could not get out of; all along, I was TRAPPED by my own defeated thinking. I struggled to free myself from the dark, invisible 'six wall' containment representing the box I was in.  

I stumbled through years of life believing, "When I get older, people will respect me!"  Yes... I got older... But I learned it is the same way – little respect, it seems.  How can the youth respect an old geezer (geez-ette), out of touch, outdated?  Am I a 'has-been' who is too old to be savvy in the fast paced world of new gadgets?  No, never!  I may not out-wit the latest young technology wizard - but I have so much to offer that s/he needs. Adding to their contemporary treasures is my old treasures; together, we are more than a sensation!  We can conquer worlds… after we figure how to conquer our own minds – and we will with insight from God!

This matter of respect I waited years to get; I finally found it.  The mystery is past. Respect toward me is everywhere I turn – but only as long as I carry it in me.  I have learned that when I respect myself, I get respected!

It takes a truly remarkable person to come along and show respect to someone who does not respect their own self.  I LOVE those people!  You know, the ones who love unconditionally and bring out the best in others. Why are they so kind?  I'd say it is because they know the value of each human being and have respect for every other person.  And yes... they respect their own self so they have it to give out.  Giving ‘respect’ is the essence of saying “I really like you” to someone who views them self as unlikable.  

I want to see this again in the world around me. I want to be this also: When I come in contact with someone who is running short on self respect, I want to speak a special word of encouragement with a smile.  I want my eyes to reveal that “I care”.  I want to impart a good dose of HOPE and self respect to someone who is waiting, as I was - for this. It is a priceless gift which can change that person’s world from bad to good… and it might change my world too, in ways I need.   

This kind of action is what I call BREAKING out of the box because most people stay inside not risking rejection – but neither is there a chance for success closed up in that box; so GET OUT and be another REAL person. Someone is waiting for you to come along and share your truly remarkable self!   

I am breaking out, Box Me Not!  
                                                            Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Freedom Comes from God

We may not like to admit that freedom comes from God.  Some will not admit, simply, they do not believe this.  I believe it because I have lived long enough to see the pattern of more freedom versus less.  I have carefully considered what causes more and less freedom. 

Yes, many men and women have fought and given their lives so we could be free... think about this: What can influence a person to lay down their life? Certainly not a piece of land, such as a big Continent. It isn't the country that is worth dying for without the principles of God which make the country strong and worth fighting for. Life never comes without a cost, neither does freedom. The God who led founders to this great land we call America also blessed the land he led founders to. 

It was with condition; "Honor me" he said, "and I will honor you."  This is the freedom given to America.

Imagine this: God is our overseer. He is something like a warden because people are in captivity to earth.  Think about it... can you get out without going by way of death?  And can you make earth everything you want it to be? The answer is, "No" and "No".  We are stuck on earth but that can be a good thing with the right help. Who can truly help with everything in the world that comes at us?  God can and he will but if we do not honor him, he will not honor us.  So think about the warden... what will he do to the ill-behaved prisoner who shows him no respect?  Let's just say it is highly unlikely the warden will 'bless' the prisoner. So it is with God. 

The unruly prisoner will not gain more freedom, will he?  Neither will the unruly human gain more freedom from God the Creator.  

God is not exactly like a warden - okay?  But to make a strong point about freedom lost and freedom gained, it is a close metaphor because we are, in a sense, prisoners to the earth. The great thing is that there is an escape through the God who also put us here. However, we must achieve escape 'his way'. God made us - so he sets the rules. When we create something... we can set our rules. 
Everyone who has lived more than 45-50 years sees two things: 
  • 1) America has lost the right to enjoy many things that once were a FREE privilege; and
  • 2) People lack respect for God and use His name as a byword in causal conversation. Many people do not honor God and they have no healthy fear of him. 
Try everything you will - but you will not be able to restore the freedom America once had when she respected and honored God in her public places and also in the privacy of her homes. It is because freedom is a gift from God to those who honor him. That is simply common sense.  

What am I saying then?  In short, 'Look to God again America. Honor him; reverence him; fear him knowing that our fate is in his hands. Then, he, being a merciful God will act on our behalf and heal us and our land.'  
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