Monday, February 13, 2012

An Evasive Box

    Following, is a cry-out about one of the most serious ‘boxes’ you and me could ever be thrown into – it is a BOX designed to separate us from God. Now... we know that nothing can achieve this if we do not want it to, however, part of ‘their’ effort can succeed. Our freedom to function ‘outside’ the box can be taken away. I enjoy the freedom to POST my thoughts without consequence, but once thrown in ‘their’ box, I will be limited, as will you. The rest of my story – is yours also... read and watch to see what I mean...   

    I have struggled with whether or not to speak openly, but viewing the two video's that I am recommending have shown me that I must. If you love God and/or your country, please read this and consider reposting. Thank you.

   I share this morning with a heavy heart. My eyes are open. I see an Agenda to take the great nation of America down. The enemy has done a mighty job of creating a 'dulled frame of mind' in Americans from the media to our classrooms and more... They are 'dumbing' down our children and seducing us yet, we still think 'all is well' and we think that if we ignore most of it, it will go away. Well it hasn't gone away! We've ignored the facts for years and they have prevailed stronger.

   "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 This knowledge is 'Knowledge of Him/God' - not book knowledge.

   Our nation is being hijacked from within. If anyone cares to know the details, the trail of evidence is being offered to us by different voices speaking out. However, our ignorance is that we think America can not be taken down. No? Take a good look at how morality has fallen and problems has risen with the mention of God. Balak paid Balaam to prophecy a curse over God's nation... long story short, Balaam was intrigued with the money offer so he finally said, "Influence the people to commit sex sins and they will be cursed." (paraphrased) Look a us! Do we want America to be blessed? See this: Revelation 2:14.

   I do not buy into the lie that says 'no politics' with religion/Christianity. I AGREE that there can be an ABUSE of this, but presented correctly is our right and duty. Two reasons I believe what I say is: God CREATED politics. It was not called that and His politics was not corrupt. He told His people how to GOVERN their nation and their affairs. You can find it in the Bible. And, our founding fathers came to America to have a government that allowed them freedom of religion. Our US Constitution is full of scripture based concepts. Washington DC is filled with scripture inscriptions on monuments and in buildings. Their museum also has 'the' or one of the first printed Bibles. There is no doubt of the early settlers faith in God when you seek to learn about it. These things are not told in new documentation. Someone is trying to take away our roots by rewriting history. 

   A fact is this: 2 Chronicles 7:14. We are at the crossroad of waking up out of a slumber to hear God for insight and direction or go down a path we do not wish to go. Ask yourself 'How' God can continue to bless such a godless society as we have become.

  He NEEDS to hear from His own people that we are NOT asleep and that we CARE about what He cares about! 

  God promised that He wouldn't bring calamity without first telling His faithful ones. Friends... the WORD is out. Faithful ones who are hearing from God are speaking out. The problem is that most people refuse to listen. They do not want to hear. They have been brainwashed effectively into believing the someone speaking out the truth is a 'Radical' to be ignored. Go ahead... Read Jeremiah. Get the movie 'Jeremiah'. He warned, but 'the rulers thought they knew better'. They found out. Jeremiah was protected however.

  I would rather stand with God. It means being 'sober minded'. I'm fine with this.

  Here are two resources I challenge you to watch if you want America to be strong again, (Keeping in mind, PRAYER is on top of the list): The first is a documentary called "AGENDA" Very informative! Link:  Some of us never saw this coming! Here is an extended trailer link:

  The second is a video link, also very informative:     

  The second is not talking about every Arab person you might know - only those who are in on the scheme. So let's be careful NOT to JUDGE persons. I am only judging what is presented as facts. We need to know WHY certain things are happening; Both of these videos explain a whole lot.

  Keeping the ‘box’ in it’s place, not enclosing me... May peace and freedom be ours as we follow God with our whole heart.
                                                                                  © 2012 | LifeLite ®


  1. Very well written and so true. God bless you for speaking out here where the traffic is heavy sometimes. We never know who is reading our blogs,

  2. Thank you Alice. I posted on Facebook and received very encouraging comments too. Someone also said this answered some questions she had - another said it confirmed thoughts. There were more. We need encouragement to speak truth boldly. Don't we.

  3. I read your post and commend you for speaking the truth. It reminds me a little of Patrick Henry who also spoke the truth
    during the Revoluationary War, "give me liberty or give me death." Basically he was saying "Don't box me in". We need more who will speak out.

    1. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Not everyone has the courage to speak out... Then too, there are those who 'get with' and support someone daring to verbalize truth. I want to be someone who is bold to speak the heart of God. I pray that I encourage others to do the same. Your words of support go far.


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