Monday, September 5, 2011


The Bible tells us that some people love darkness more than light. Adam and Eve knew only light. They enjoyed God's presence daily. He is light. They let curiosity get the best of them and they thought they would enjoy darkness, only like most people, they did not think they were choosing to live in the night when they chose to disobey God. They did not understand that by choosing to obey their fleshly lust, they were choosing darkness. They had no reference point, unlike us, they had never seen the aftermath of darkness, the misery and utter humiliation. They did not yet know evil, which is the darkness God refers to as the night under the earths sun and moon. He calls 'good',  'light'. The light is, righteousness, holiness, and purity, as is God. It is evident that some people “love darkness rather than light…”.

The unholy boldness that has sprung out of much of the entertainment industry has spun many to follow uninhibited postings to the Internet and other public forums. People are fearless to openly voice curses against God and mockery in the face of His creation. The fear of God has almost vanished even among those who call themselves Christian. People are confused about the long suffering and patience of God, thinking that just because He doesn't strike them dead, He does not have power or does not exist. This thinking is simply ignorance about Who God is. It is ignorance about what He is actually accomplishing in the earth with His human creation. Do not be one of the deceived; God will not be mocked, He gets the last say, He is the last Act on earth. The final 'Act' of God will be viewed by every person dead and alive! Now that is a show-stopper. His final scene will reveal that every other show on earth was utterly vain, which did not bear witness of Him and His great Love to all.   

A news video showed people commuting without their pants. Entertaining? The video caption announces that in major cities across the country, hundreds of people took part in a ‘No Pants Subway Ride”. Men, pant-less, women, slackness. Everyone had their underwear exposed – in a public venue. Little children saw. What message did it speak? In their innocence, they knew something was confused, but most of them could not sort it out to make rational sense. When interviewed, one of the participants answered the question, “Why are we doing this?  Just because we can.  I don’t think its illegal in Portland”.  The stunt was started by a comedy group in 2002 and was into it's ninth year of the ritual. Evil? Yes. It is not harmless to ignore God's modest dress code. Innocence is what Adam and Eve forfeited in the Garden of Eden when they chose to 'be more enlightened'.  That peek into the dark side landed them a bum deal!  We are the recipients of their dark choice. We still suffer more deeply because of their choice than most people give honest thought to.  I thank God for Jesus.  He is our Helper.  He is our way out of a corrupt and sad existence.  Through Christ Jesus, we have HOPE.  You and I can live a life filled with Joy and have peace that surpasses mortal understanding no matter what choice Adam and Eve made.  I have been redeemed back to God to enjoy His awesome Light. Have you? No, I am not living in the Garden of Paradise, but much BETTER awaits me... heaven and good surprises which I can not even imagine without the revelation of Christ. He has given me very small glimpses. We will not be disappointed!

Adam and Eve threw us into a box. We were born under a curse because of their disobedience to God. We can escape. Jesus Christ holds out his hand and says, "Let me pull you out." You and I are no longer trapped in the box filled with darkness. Liberty and true freedom await everyone who will make the choice to believe in Jesus Christ. He alone came to deliver us from the darkness. Walking in the light of God is as simple as allowing Jesus to pull you from the dark box.  I'm stepping out again!  Are you? It is a daily choice to take Jesus' hand and step out... over and again. Each new day offers freedom to everyone who receives God's Son, Jesus. He arose from the grave to lead us out of captivity, which I call, 'the BOX' that closes us in. Do not hide. Rise out of your box and SHINE.

Copyright 2011, LifeLite (R


  1. Great post and so good to see you writing again. You have a wonderful talent for writing and should use it more.
    Blessings, my friend,AE

    1. Alice, thank you. I love your ministry of encouragement! You're a GREAT lady for God. Love you. "Ellen"

  2. Ellen, you are very talented. This was a great article. May God bless you. Love you, Carol

    1. Thank you Carol... not sure if this is my Aunt, or another Carol. I hope you'll read some of my other posts also. A funny post, but true story is "No More Pretender". It can be found under the other posts or by clicking on it's title on the right side of the page.

  3. Ellen, Where have you been for the past year? I was so excited to see a comment form 'Ellen'. you're the only Ellen that I know. Thank you for your kind comment. I am, as you, in love with the One and Only Jesus! Part 2 of my post will be a salvation message. I've never done one. The Holy Spirit said it was time. :)

    Proud of you for speaking the truth here and making a stand. I didn't see the video but heard a blurb on the news. I couldn't believe it. The 'way of the world' has gone so far. My heart cries for those who don't KNOW Jesus as their Savior. Like Adam and Eve, they have no idea what darkness lies ahead.

    You said:

    'The fear of God has almost vanished even among those who call themselves Christian.'

    It is apparent, isn't it! It's been going downhill ever since the initial sin in the garden. You're right, Adam and Eve threw us into a box! But thanks to Christ we can be freed from that box. Yes Yes Amen!

    So good to see you again, Ellen. I love the way you SHINE!

    Hugs, my friend
    Blessings to you and the family

    Patrina <")>><

    1. Patrina, I would love to meet you one day. And I appreciate Alice sending you my way. Your words of encouarage always bless me. I wish I could bless you as much. Thank you. There is no question that you SHINE my friend.


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