Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dare I Doubt?

Dare I Doubt?

Dare I doubt God?
(I feel poetic…)
“Dare I doubt?
For when I doubt, I surely pout.
And when I pout, I’m in a box –
and can't get out.

Woe is me then… oh tell me my sin!
My sin, as usual, has closed me in.

"Why" dare I doubt when God is so good?
He forever behaves – just as He should.
It is I who is wrong.
This, God has known.

Nonetheless, He loves me still - and
To help me get right, He shows me His will.

I have no reason - to ever complain,
When the God of all, knows me by name.

He keeps me in - His loving care
He protects me always…
So WHY do I dare...?

Doubtless, with God’s help
I will not doubt... so here I come,
I’m stepping out.

Cut the ropes that bind this senseless bin,
Get me out of the box
No more stepping in!

Dare I doubt? Dare you doubt too?
Let us walk in faith and to God be true.

Here I come world – get out of my way…
Or decide to come along
To the place we should stay…

Yes, In God’s presence
Where ‘doubt’ has no power…
And ‘faith in God’ – Rules every single hour!”

Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R 

My special ‘Thanks’ to Patrina – Pencil in the Hand of God – who
lovingly sent me a note to appear again.
And a BIG thanks to Alice - From the Heart - who showed me
the way of the blog (which I so much enjoy), and who always
has kind words of encouragement!


  1. It's so good to see you again and you are always surprising me. Your write poetry also. My great grandmother wrote poetry and I have a few cousins who inherited her genes, but not me. You are truly blessed and I enjoyed the poem so much. Hope to see you more often here in blogland.

  2. Ellen! I just saw this tonight - am I boxed in or not ? I think so - but you have lightened my corner tonight with this appearance from you. I kept checking back to see if you had left your footprints here. But I couldn't see you. That's because you were in that BOX!

    So glad that you have left the box again. I pray that you are determined to stay on top instead of inside that ole box. You have much to say to a waiting watching world. So get on that box and start shoutin for the Glory to fall.

    Love your poetry too, dear soul. I finally posted a new post tonight - so now it's your turn to update here. Well maybe you can wait til after Christmas... I have such a hard time updating. Life is too overwhelming sometimes, isn't it?

    I wanted to wish you the best of God's blessings for this celebratory season.

    May His favor shine down on you and give you His peace.

    Hugs, my dear Ellen
    Patrina <")>><
    Warrior Bride in boots

  3. Thanks for visiting me on the bridge. I always love seeing you. I sent you my e-mail. did you not get it? I will send it again. hope I'm sending it to the right place :)

    hugs, girlfriend
    Patrina <")>><


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