Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are You Still Waiting for Respect?

When I was a young adult, due to circumstances out of my control, I had two children at a young age.  I seldom brushed shoulders with people who showed me respect - at least it seemed that way.

Looking back, I see it was partly my perception.  There were people who deeply respected me, yet I could not see it.  So, for years I existed, feeling that I was in a BOX which I could not get out of; all along, I was TRAPPED by my own defeated thinking. I struggled to free myself from the dark, invisible 'six wall' containment representing the box I was in.  

I stumbled through years of life believing, "When I get older, people will respect me!"  Yes... I got older... But I learned it is the same way – little respect, it seems.  How can the youth respect an old geezer (geez-ette), out of touch, outdated?  Am I a 'has-been' who is too old to be savvy in the fast paced world of new gadgets?  No, never!  I may not out-wit the latest young technology wizard - but I have so much to offer that s/he needs. Adding to their contemporary treasures is my old treasures; together, we are more than a sensation!  We can conquer worlds… after we figure how to conquer our own minds – and we will with insight from God!

This matter of respect I waited years to get; I finally found it.  The mystery is past. Respect toward me is everywhere I turn – but only as long as I carry it in me.  I have learned that when I respect myself, I get respected!

It takes a truly remarkable person to come along and show respect to someone who does not respect their own self.  I LOVE those people!  You know, the ones who love unconditionally and bring out the best in others. Why are they so kind?  I'd say it is because they know the value of each human being and have respect for every other person.  And yes... they respect their own self so they have it to give out.  Giving ‘respect’ is the essence of saying “I really like you” to someone who views them self as unlikable.  

I want to see this again in the world around me. I want to be this also: When I come in contact with someone who is running short on self respect, I want to speak a special word of encouragement with a smile.  I want my eyes to reveal that “I care”.  I want to impart a good dose of HOPE and self respect to someone who is waiting, as I was - for this. It is a priceless gift which can change that person’s world from bad to good… and it might change my world too, in ways I need.   

This kind of action is what I call BREAKING out of the box because most people stay inside not risking rejection – but neither is there a chance for success closed up in that box; so GET OUT and be another REAL person. Someone is waiting for you to come along and share your truly remarkable self!   

I am breaking out, Box Me Not!  
                                                            Copyright 2010, LifeLite (R 


  1. You have a wonderful gift of writing. I have read both your posts and found them both very interesting with a lot of good information and help that a lot of people need.

    May God continue to bless you as you write what God puts on your heart.
    Blessings, AE

  2. I'm breaking out too! You go girl! I love how you look inwardly to see the world from a new perspective.

    Thanks for the wisdom
    Patrina <")>><


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